The final unofficial results are in for how Indian River County residents voted on the 12 constitutional amendments on the ballot. Each amendment requires 60 percent approval state-wide in order to be enacted.
Here are the final unofficial results:
No. 1: Increased Homestead Property Tax Exemption
- Yes: 41,646 / 58.95%
- No: 29,004 / 41.05%
No. 2: Limitations on Property Tax Assessments
- Yes: 49,616 / 70.80%
- No: 20,465 / 29.20%
No. 3: Voter Control of Gambling in Florida
- Yes: 48,855 / 68.04%
- No: 22,949 / 31.96%
No. 4: Voting Restoration Amendment
- Yes: 41,797 / 58.35%
- No: 29,839 / 41.65%
No. 5: Supermajority Vote Required to Impose, Authorize or Raise State Taxes or Fees
- Yes: 46,734 / 66.63%
- No: 23,406 / 33.37%
No. 6: Rights of Crime Victims, Judges
- Yes: 43,424 / 61.44%
- No: 27,256 / 38.56%
No. 7: First Responder and Military Member Survivor Benefits; Public Colleges and Universities
- Yes: 43,524 / 62.31%
- No: 26,328 / 37.69%
No. 9: Prohibits Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling; Prohibits Vaping in Enclosed Indoor Workplaces
- Yes: 46,642 / 65.89%
- No: 24,151 / 31.11%
No. 10: State and Local Government Structure and Operation
- Yes: 42,481 / 62.34%
- No: 25,662 / 37.66%
No. 11: Property Rights; Removal of Obsolete Provision; Criminal Statutes
- Yes: 39,600 / 59.53%
- No: 26,926 / 40.47%
No. 12: Lobbying and Abuse of Office by Public Officers
- Yes: 53,769 / 77.11%
- No: 15,963 / 22.89%
No. 13: Ends Dog Racing
- Yes: 52,094 / 72.51%
- No: 19,753 / 27.49%