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IRSA revels in 25 years of showcasing elite orchestras

The Indian River Symphonic Association celebrated a quarter century of meeting its mission of bringing the world’s finest orchestras to Vero Beach with a Cupcakes and Champagne Reception and a rousing “Broadway Our Way” Pops Concert, held Feb. 2 at the Community Church of Vero Beach.

Maestro Christopher Confessore conducted the brilliant Brevard Symphony Orchestra which, fittingly, was the first orchestra presented by the nonprofit organization on Jan. 23, 1994.

The timing was right 25 years ago, when the fusion of founder Penny Odiorne’s love of symphonic music merged with the BSO’s interest in expanding and then Community Church Music Director Dr. Ray Adams recognizing an opportunity to promote that wonderfully acoustic venue.

In addition to the BSO, which has continued its relationship through the years, IRSA has presented world-class performances by 54 different orchestras from 23 countries plus 10 from the United States. To foster a love of music in younger generations, IRSA annually hosts a BSO Children’s Concert for all local fifth-graders. Since 1998, IRSA has awarded $143,750 in college scholarships to 45 students and in 2017 provided a grant to the Vero Beach High School Philharmonic Orchestra for its Austrian tour.

For information on upcoming concerts, visit

Photos by: Mary Schenkel
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