INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Community Coach and GoLine buses will close Saturday as officials and residents prepare for Hurricane Irma, a powerful category 4 hurricane that will sweep through the area on Sunday and Monday.
Normal operating hours for the buses are scheduled for Friday, officials said. Conditions of the roadways will determine when the buses will return to a normal schedule after Saturday.
Adult day care service locations in Vero Beach and Sebastian were closed on Friday.
Deliveries for “Meals on Wheels” were suspended Thursday. But, in preparedness for the storm, all clients were given meals for the weekend.
Local conditions will determine when the deliveries and adult day care services will continue.
Those who want to stay up to date on any closures or openings should call 772-569-0903, 772-473-2935 or 772-559-2284. Schedules for the above services also will be posted to SeniorResourceAssociation.org.