On June 13, four new members were inducted to SafeSpace’s board of directors at its annual board installation dinner at the Santa Lucia Golf Club at Ballantrae. The incoming directors are motivated and ready to prove their commitment to raising awareness for SafeSpace’s mission to end domestic violence. Attorney Jason Berger, a former SafeSpace board member, served as the installation officer at this event. The new board members include:
- Toni Abraham
- Natalie Desmangles
- Captain John Perez
- Nancy Wong
“We are thrilled to have these dedicated community members join our SafeSpace team, and we are confident that their leadership and support will help us continue to save and change the many lives affected by domestic violence,” shared SafeSpace CEO, Jill Borowicz.
For more information about SafeSpace, visit www.safespacefl.org or call 772-223-2399.
About SafeSpace
SafeSpace is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that operates programs in Martin, St. Lucie, and Indian River counties where families can escape to a safe environment. SafeSpace offers victims of domestic violence safety, support and education, empowering them to create an independent life free from violence. Emergency shelter, supportive living, and outreach programs and services are available for victims throughout the Treasure Coast. SafeSpace offers services to all victims of domestic violence and their dependents regardless of race, gender, age, religion, political belief, national origin, immigration status, physical or mental disability, marital status, sexual orientation or language spoken. To learn more about SafeSpace, please visit www.safespacefl.org, call 772-223-2399 or connect with SafeSpace on Facebook at www.facebook.com/safespacefl.