(StatePoint) Backyard BBQs and outdoor social occasions with friends and family are some of the highlights of summer. Unfortunately, biting mosquitoes and pesky insects can put a damper on the fun.
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Did you know…? Due to surrounding body heat and carbon dioxide levels, mosquitoes can detect humans and other animals from up to 75 feet away. They are also attracted to breath and sweat, making them frequent, uninvited guests to outdoor parties.
You can fight back and help keep mosquitoes from putting a damper on relaxing evenings outside.
Here are some tips for a multi-pronged approach to help prevent mosquito bites:
• Keep your yard well drained and free of stagnant water.
• Place insect and mosquito zappers in your yard for coverage of up to 1 1/2 acres.
• Wear light colored clothing; mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors.
• Use a DEET-free mosquito repellent lantern as a centerpiece for outdoor dining.
• Bring an on-the-go bug zapper racket when hiking, camping or at the beach.
More information can be found at StingerProducts.com.
With a few simple measures, you can take back summer nights from biting mosquitoes and enjoy warm weather outdoor activities.