(NAPSI)—When sending kids to summer camp, parents have always worried about homesickness, safety and sunburns. One more concern is head lice. The likelihood of exposure to lice increases at places such as school and camp, where children share belongings and are in close proximity to other kids.
What You May Experience at Camp Check-In
Many camps now perform head checks at registration to help prevent lice transmission at camp. Children who have lice may be delayed from entering camp to be treated or potentially sent home.
What You Can Do
1. Conduct a Pre-Camp Head Check. Parents who examine their child at home for lice can detect an infestation early and save their child the frustration of being diagnosed with lice during camp registration.
Here’s how:
• Part your child’s hair to examine the scalp under a light. Watch for movement. Lice will move quickly away from the light.
• Lice eggs (“nits”) may look like dandruff but cannot be flicked off with a fingernail. Eggs will be attached to the hair shaft within ½” of the scalp.
• Use a lice comb to work through small sections of hair looking for lice or nits. Pay extra attention to the nape of the neck, behind the ears, under bangs, and the crown of the head.
2. Treat Any Infestation. If you find an infestation, get your child camp-ready quickly with a product that allows you to end an infestation in a single treatment rather than needing to reapply seven to 10 days later. Pesticide-free Vamousse Lice Treatment kills both lice and eggs in one 15-minute application—even pesticide-resistant super lice.
3. Keep Lice from Returning Home from Camp. It takes four to six weeks for telltale itching symptoms to start. This means a child returning from camp may not be diagnosed until family and friends have been exposed. While kids are away, have them use a daily defense shampoo such as Vamousse Lice Defense, which has been shown to kill lice during routine hair washing. Encourage your child to keep belongings separate, and pull long hair into a ponytail to minimize contact.
Remember that although lice are an annoyance, they are very common and do not spread disease or pose serious health risks. By making Vamousse products part of your plan for summer, you can look forward to hearing camp memories rather than, “Mom, my head itches!”
Learn More
For further facts and tips, visit www.vamousselice.com.
On the Net:North American Precis Syndicate, Inc.(NAPSI)