(NAPSI)—If you are—or care about—a millennial, someone between the ages of 18 and 35, here’s something you may care to consider:
Many millennial men—those age 26 and under—must register with the Selective Service. This applies to those native born and immigrants alike, regardless of status.
What You Can Lose
Failure to register is a violation of federal law and could mean a $250,000 fine, a prison term or both.
What You Can Gain
While most young men are aware of this and register promptly, within 30 days of their birthdays, they may not recall all the benefits registration can bring.
Registration is required for:
• Federal student loans and grant programs worth billions of dollars altogether
• Federal job training under the Workforce Investment Act
• Federal jobs or security clearance as a contractor
• U.S. citizenship for immigrants
• Driver’s licenses in some places.
Some people even send in their registration information as early as age 17 years and 3 months. The Selective Service System keeps the information on file, processes it automatically and sends an acknowledgment card.
What You Can Do
Fortunately, it’s not difficult to do. Many high schools have volunteer registrars to assist students with signing up. In addition, millennial students and graduates can check block #22 on the federal FAFSA application or go online at www.sss.gov from a smartphone or computer. Registration forms are also available at any U.S. post office.
Learn More
For further facts and to sign up, go to www.sss.gov.
Quick Registration
If you have a Social Security number and are able to register online, go to www.sss.gov/Registration/Register-Now/Registration-Form. If you do not have a Social Security number, are an immigrant male (documented or undocumented) age 18 through 25 or are not able to register online, you can pick up a Selective Service registration form at the post office or download the form at www.sss.gov/Portals/0/PDFs/regform_copyINT.pdf.
Print, sign, and mail the form to Selective Service System, P.O. Box 94739, Palatine, IL 60094-4739.
On the Net:North American Precis Syndicate, Inc.(NAPSI)