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5 Helpful Hints for a Clean and Clutter-Free Home

(StatePoint) Papers piling up? Toys taking over?  If your home is more cluttered than clean, you’re not alone — 85 percent of homeowners say that organization and storage is the most desired feature in a home, according to

Your clean-home dreams can come true. In fact, simply getting rid of clutter alone can eliminate 40 percent of housework in the average home, according to the National Soap and Detergent Association. With a few helpful hints your home can get organized… and stay that way.

Conquer a Clutter-free Kitchen

With a wealth of gadgets, it’s no wonder the kitchen is a clutter culprit.  To start your cleanse, remove everything from drawers and cupboards. If you haven’t used an item in the last month (unless it’s a holiday necessity) — purge it!  Next up, clean and line drawer and shelf surfaces with a quality shelf liner, such as Easy Liner brand shelf liners by Duck brand. Not only will it protect them from dirt and grime, but it also offers a good gauge: if you can’t see the shelf liner, it’s time to purge again!

Get a New Spin on the Laundry Room

Sometimes the laundry room needs a bit of cleaning itself. Detergents and other build-up can cause washing machine odors. Run white vinegar through a cycle to sanitize it with ease. Next, improve efficiency and reduce fire hazards by thoroughly cleaning lint from dryer vents — both inside and out. Finally, use labeled baskets to ensure everything has its place. And, since the laundry room is often a catch-all location, label one as a “put away” basket and be sure to empty it daily, putting its contents back in their proper places.

Control Bathroom Chaos

From towels to toiletries, bathrooms hold a lot of “stuff,” which can make organizing feel like a losing battle. Create a de-cluttering schedule. Since many toiletries, such as toothbrushes and make-up, should be replaced quarterly, this is the perfect time to purge. Empty drawers and linen cabinets and toss out items that are old or aren’t being used. Shelf liner can once again be a useful addition before putting items back, since products like Easy Liner brand products with Clorox antimicrobial protection can add an extra level of clean by helping prevent the growth of odor-causing mold and mildew on the liner. Plus, you can toss it in the wash for easy cleaning.

Gear-Up Garage Organization

From toys to tools to seasonal gear, the garage has it all. Unfortunately, 25 percent of two-car garages are so cluttered that there isn’t room to park a car, reports the U.S. Department of Energy. Annually, remove everything and categorize items into “keep,” “sell/donate,” and “trash” piles. Next, designate sections of the garage for “work” (hardware and gardening tools) and “play” (toys, bikes and balls). Create vertical storage by adding hooks and floor-to-ceiling shelves. Finally, label bins, boxes and shelves to encourage everyone to maintain the new-found organization.

Purr-fectly Clean Pets

Humans aren’t the only ones accumulating clutter or making messes. In fact, discovered that the average number of pet toys in a home was 34! Start each season by tossing out tattered pet toys and thoroughly disinfecting the keepers – along with leashes, boxes and bedding. To keep areas neat and clean, place non-adhesive shelf liner under food and water bowls to keep them in place and spills contained. A piece under the litter box can also reduce litter scatter across floors and the grip surface helps pull litter from dirty paws.

For more information on unique ways to use shelf liner in your home visit

By following these helpful tips and tricks, your home will soon be clean, organized and clutter-free.

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