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Proof positive that sky’s the limit for Gifford achievers

More than 140 supporters of the Gifford Youth Achievement Center had an opportunity to meet with a few of the organization’s youth ambassadors at a Donor Appreciation Reception at Northern Trust Bank last Thursday evening, learning first-hand about how their lives have been positively affected through GYAC programs and mentorship.

“I’ve been involved in a lot of organizations and some really tug at your heartstrings. This is one incredible organization,” said Scott Alexander, Northern Trust regional president and a GYAC board member, welcoming guests to the cocktail reception.

“We are a game-changer in the lives of the students and families that we serve,” said Angelia Perry, GYAC executive director, borrowing the quote from Bob Samuels, GYAC Foundation Secretary. She said there are currently 186 students enrolled in the afterschool program, with another 31 on the waiting list.

To illustrate the breadth of the impact the organization has had on our community, GYAC program participants shared stories from three different perspectives.

This is Joenisha Eristhene’s first year at the GYAC and the 11-year-old said she didn’t want to join the afterschool program originally, but her mother insisted. After raising her grades from a C to an A+ she admits mom was right.

“I really like GYAC because there are lots of teachers that can help you,” said Joenisha. “The GYAC is really great, and I hope it keeps going.”

Arielle Reason spoke at last year’s Friendraiser and returned this year to give an update on her progress. The 13-year-old eighth-grader attends Sebastian River Middle School, is part of the International Baccalaureate program and is president of the National Junior Honor Society.

“GYAC has been very instrumental in opening me up to endless possibilities,” said Arielle, sharing plans to attend the Ambassador Leadership Summit at Yale University this summer.

The final speaker of the evening was Calvin Bethel, a recent high school graduate and former GYAC student who is now a volunteer there.

“This is one of the best programs I’ve ever been in,” said Calvin. “It helped me a lot with my homework. I’d shut down and get frustrated.”

He explained how helpful the GYAC mentoring program was for him, adding, “It’s super important to get support from all angles. It will help them move forward just like I am.”

“I have been involved in over 22 nonprofit organizations over the years,” said Bill Glavin, GYAC Foundation vice chairman and a longtime supporter. “This is one of the two best in the world. I fell in love with it right away. It really touches my heart.”

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