OK, croquet! Wine & Wickets is just the ticket

“The good thing about this game is you don’t need any skill; a good time is had by all,” said Cathy Filusch, Education Foundation of Indian River County board president, at last week’s Wine and Wickets fundraiser. A John’s Island Club member, Filusch once again organized the event at the John’s Island West croquet courses, arguably one of the prettiest locations in all of Indian River.

No doubt croquet aficionados might take exception to her comment, but the folks who turned out last Tuesday afternoon were there strictly for fun and, more importantly, to support the public, private and home-schooled students of Indian River County through the organization’s numerous programs and initiatives.

Laughter rang out as the mostly novice players received continual instruction from JI’s very patient croquet pro Danny Huneycutt, 2015 American Croquet National Champion, who was ably assisted by an equally easygoing Jack Rush.

Good-natured whacks out of bounds and the occasional threat of bodily harm with a mallet were interspersed with glee as players maneuvered around the course and attempted to thread great big balls – or so it seemed – into narrow little wickets.

“I got one through the first one; might be the last one,” laughed Trudie Rainone. “I think I need a glass of wine now.”

“We couldn’t even play without the pro telling us what direction to go through the hoop,” said Wanda Lincoln with a big smile.

For the past 16 years the Education Foundation has hosted a very popular Charity Shoot, and Filusch came up with the Wine and Wickets idea last year to add to the roster of innovative fundraisers.

“This year we made it a two-fer, so people could sign up for one or both,” said Cynthia Falardeau, Education Foundation executive director. “If they sponsored, they got it for two events. That actually increased our charity shoot.”

“It’s building our connections in the community. That’s what we really want to do,” said Filusch. “It’s the making of connections to spread the mission of our organization.”

“I actually think the smaller ones are nice because you can talk to people. And it’s fun to have things that people don’t know how to play,” added Falardeau.

The Charity Shoot takes place Saturday, April 29, at the Windsor Gun Club at Indian River Trap and Skeet.

Proceeds support Education Foundation programs such as the Backpacks/School Supply Fund, Tools to Learn, Vision for Reading, Sneaker Exchange, Great Ideas Grants, Indian River Regional Science & Engineering Fair and Professional Development.

For more information visit edfoundationirc.org.

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