Black Men at Greater Risk for Prostate Cancer: Take Time This Black History Month to Learn More About It

(BPT) – Prostate cancer. Most men know about it, but for black men, just knowing isn’t enough. While prostate cancer is prevalent among all men, it is especially prominent in black men. In fact, approximately 1 in 6 black men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.1

Age, race and family history of the disease are the only well-established risk factors for prostate cancer. Men with a father or brother with prostate cancer are 2 to 3 times more likely to be diagnosed compared to men without a family history.1 Prostate cancer mortality rates in black men are also substantially higher when compared to Caucasian men.1

According to Sherman, a 64-year-old black man from Peabody, Mass., who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2004, “You always hear about prostate cancer, but it’s not something that most men talk about. After my diagnosis, I realized that many other men in my community were diagnosed with prostate cancer, and it was very eye-opening. It made me want to educate men about the risk, and urge them to be aware of their status so they can take action, if necessary.”

In light of the higher prevalence of prostate cancer in the black community, Tom Farrington founded the Prostate Health Education Network (PHEN) and has been an advocate for increasing awareness for 14 years, enlightening the public on the disproportionately high risk of prostate cancer among black men. “We advise black men to learn about the risks of prostate cancer and to get tested,” said Farrington.

Often, prostate cancer does not exhibit noticeable symptoms until the disease is more advanced, so having regular check-ups with their doctor is important especially as men age.2 Before they decide to be tested, they should talk to their doctor about the following:

  • Signs and symptoms
  • Family history
  • Testing and screening (e.g., digital rectal exam [DRE] or Prostate-Specific Antigen [PSA])

The earlier they learn of a prostate cancer diagnosis, the greater the options they will have to explore with your doctor.

Considering this higher prevalence of prostate cancer in the black community, there are many ways men and their loved ones can empower themselves with tools and resources to help navigate a prostate cancer diagnosis. “For those with prostate cancer, knowledge is power. One available resource is My Prostate Cancer Roadmap, which is a website that contains in-depth information and valuable tools that can educate them about the disease, and help them have meaningful conversations with their healthcare team,” says Farrington.

My Prostate Cancer Roadmap is an educational resource that can help patients, caregivers and support group leaders navigate through the advanced prostate cancer journey. The site features a section titled “Viewpoints from the Road,” which provides key perspectives and advice from patients and caregivers who have faced similar challenges. Newly diagnosed patients and interested caregivers can receive up-to-date information and hear personal perspectives from patients, caregivers and advocates via periodic email updates directly from My Prostate Cancer Roadmap by registering at

For more information on advocacy resources for prostate cancer, specifically in the black community, please visit For additional information, tools and resources on advanced prostate cancer, please visit

1 American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts and Figures for African Americans 2016-2018. Accessed January 2017.

2 Medscape. Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Staging. Accessed January 2017.


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