(StatePoint) A majority of Americans drink coffee daily, with an average of about three cups a day, according to Harvard School of Public Health.
Will all those cups of Joe being downed nationwide, it’s important to consider the beverage’s potential effects on your health.
Science indicates there are some substantial health benefits to drinking coffee regularly. Various studies have suggested that drinking coffee regularly could decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke, lower the risk for developing type 2 diabetes, protect against gallstones and lower the risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease.
However, it’s important to note that because of its caffeine content, coffee intake should be moderated. Its acidity can also impact issues like bone and muscle deterioration, and kidney stones. Conventional coffee can also raise cholesterol levels when regularly prepared French press or Espresso style.
For these reasons, many people are rethinking the types of coffee they drink in order to avoid particular health concerns. For example, unlike a conventional acidic cup of coffee, Bio Coffee is alkaline, caffeine-free and made with wheatgrass. It contains three to five servings of vegetables in one cup of coffee, as well as six grams of fiber — approximately 25 percent of the recommended daily amount. It also provides a natural source of pre- and probiotics for better digestive health. To learn more about its health benefits, visit BioCoffee.com.
“With so many people failing to eat enough vegetables, drinking your greens in the form of coffee may be one of the most convenient ways to get one’s daily dose, in addition to a variety of other health benefits,” says Dr. Tom Shreves, MD, a Bio Coffee drinker. “It can also help you avoid the issues associated with a typical cup of coffee.”
While most coffee lovers are unlikely to put their mugs down, Bio Coffee can provide a healthy morning ritual.
Photo Credit: (c) ivanko80 – Fotolia.com