8 Surprises You Didn’t Know about Canola Oil

(Family Features) Canola oil is a popular pantry staple that stars in many of our kitchens. However, there’s much more to this kitchen workhorse than meets the eye. For example, did you know that this versatile, sustainable and safe food source is produced by 43,000 farm families, many of them multi-generational? 

Take full advantage of this sleek, agile ingredient with 8 simple tips and facts that may come as a surprise.

  1. It’s All in the Name. That popular cooking oil in your kitchen is a contraction of “Canadian” and “ola” = #canolaoil.

  1. Eat Good Fats to Shed Belly Fat. Recent research findings suggest canola oil can help decrease abdominal fat.

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  1. 1.5 Tablespoons per day is all it takes to improve your heart health. With the least amount of saturated fat and the most amount plant-based omega-3 fat of all common cooking oils, canola is the smart heart choice.

  1. Your Older Self Will Thank You. One serving of canola oil provides a good source of vitamin E, a dietary antioxidant.

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  1. Make Flavors Stand Out. Enjoy traditional recipes or try something new. Canola oil’s neutral flavor allows other ingredients to shine.

  1. Save Time and Stress. Canola oil is a one-stop-shop kitchen pantry star. It works well in most baking recipes, saving time and money.

  1. Treat Your SCENTSes. Canola oil’s high smoke point prevents smelling up your kitchen when sauteing your favorite foods.

  1. Bees Love Canola. Canola flowers are an ideal habitat and food source for honeybees. Together, they produce a delicious combination.

For more recipes or to learn more about canola oil, visit CanolaInfo.org. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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