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10 delicious ways to use almond milk

(BPT) – As almond milk is America’s favorite dairy alternative, here’s a guide to enjoying it even more, with quick tips and out-of-the-carton recipes for every day. Almond milk is a great choice for people who are looking to avoid lactose, dairy and soy. It’s also great for calorie-watchers, as unsweetened products have as few as 30 or 35 calories per 8-ounce serving with 0 grams of sugar. It contains no cholesterol or saturated fat, and most products are fortified with calcium and vitamin D.

Almond milk is super versatile — you can buy it unsweetened or sweetened, and either plain or in flavors like vanilla and chocolate. Look for it in your favorite coffee or smoothie shop, and even in bottled coffee drinks and smoothies.

1. Boost your breakfast beverage

Start your day with a healthy pour of almond milk in your coffee, latte, tea or oatmeal, for creamy, dairy-free deliciousness.

2. Warm Almond Quinoa Breakfast Sundae

Treat yourself to dessert for breakfast with this delicious, gluten-free Warm Almond Quinoa Breakfast Sundae. Drizzled with warm almond butter, honey and almond milk, it’s a great way to start the day.

3. Golden Milk Latte with almond milk and almond butter

This Golden Milk Latte is a mood-boosting, energy-enhancing wonder drink, perfect as a spicy afternoon pick-me-up or chilled for a pre- or post-exercise drink.

4. Almond Butter Spinach Smoothie

Unsweetened almond milk is a great addition to smoothies, adding a silky creaminess while keeping calories in check. Try this Almond Butter Spinach Smoothie made with almond milk, spinach and frozen fruit.

5. Cream of Carrot Soup with Almond Croutons

This Cream of Carrot Soup with Almond Croutons makes for a dairy-free, but creamy and nourishing lunch or dinner, perfect for a blustery day.

6. Lightened-up mac and cheese

Yes, even your childhood favorite dish of mac and cheese can be made with almond milk, for a decadent, yet low-calorie dinner.

7. Gluten-Free Almond Brownies

To satisfy a sweet tooth, from mug cakes to these decadent Gluten-Free Almond Brownies, almond milk adds a creamy texture to any dessert.

8. Almond Hot Chocolate

Warm up with this twist on another childhood favorite, Almond Hot Chocolate, made with high-quality chocolate and almond milk.

9. Get the party started

Almond milk adds a light creaminess to alcoholic beverages, like this Lost in Laos Cocktail and this Almond Toffee Martini.

10. And of course, drink it solo

Many people just love the taste of almond milk. So try different brands and products, and find your favorite based on your own preferences for flavor and texture.

Bonus tip: Storing almond milk

Shelf-stable almond milk, once opened, should be stored in the refrigerator and used within seven to 10 days of opening. You can also freeze it in an ice cube tray and use it in place of ice cubes in iced coffee and smoothies.

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