5 healthier lifestyle changes that are simple, sensible and easy

(BPT) – Often people set off on their weight loss journey but then get derailed because they think it is difficult to maintain. However, when this happens to you, it’s important to not get frustrated. Keep in mind people who succeed in weight loss and healthy eating goals are the ones who recognize better health is a yearlong process and doesn’t happen overnight. Take simple, effective steps to stay on track by building healthier habits.

For 15 years, wellness and weight-loss expert Liz Josefsberg has helped her celebrity clients shed weight, keep it off and achieve healthier lifestyles. Josefsberg offers some of her favorite and simple tips to create successful and healthy long-term habits:

1. Save time on staples.

Everyone’s busy, and many people run out of staples by mid-week. Convenience is key to staying on track, so keep your list of essential grocery items on your phone and know where you can easily grab quick dinner staples like a roasted chicken. It’s versatile, easy to make, and if you’re going to cook one, then it’s easy to roast two for leftovers. Whether you’d like to add chicken to your soup for more protein, make a healthier chicken salad sandwich, or prepare quick chicken wraps for on-the-go, Bolthouse Farms dressings offer a boost of creamy, delicious flavor that’s lower in calories and fat than some other condiments.

2. Keep a tidy kitchen.

According to a study by Cornell Food and Brand Lab, a clutter-free kitchen may lead you to eat less food, which can help with portion control and weight loss. Additionally, setting up your bedroom to be a restful environment can help you get a better night’s sleep, which also supports weight-loss goals.

3. Treat yourself occasionally.

Practicing portion control means you don’t have to give up your favorite things altogether. Realize you can’t have them all the time, but once in a while is fine if you’re able to stick to pre-portioned servings. When you do have a treat, fully enjoy the food you’re craving. So, if it’s ice cream or cake, go for it – but stick to your portion size.

4. Don’t just exercise, move.

High-intensity exercise is great, but it’s also important to incorporate less intense movement into your everyday routine. Moving is equally as important as exercise and simple movements like walking help build your overall health. Find time to schedule both exercise and movement into your day, and look for ways to squeeze in a couple extra steps. When running errands, park further away to the store entrance, or every time you go for a bathroom break at work, take the time to also walk around the block or building.

5. Try something new.

If you’re feeling in a food rut, explore some healthful new recipes that don’t skimp on taste, like a Curried Chickpea Salad Sandwich with Bolthouse Farms Classic Ranch Dressing. Use a fork or potato masher to mash 15 ounces (1 can) of chickpeas (rinsed and drained) in a bowl. Stir in 1/3 cup of Bolthouse Farms Classic Ranch Dressing, 1 1/2 teaspoons of curry powder, 3 tablespoons of diced red onion, 2 tablespoons of raisins and 1 tablespoon of fresh chopped cilantro. Divide the chickpea salad and place on a slice of seeded or sprouted whole-grain bread, toasted, and top with half a cup of fresh sprouts. Add a second slice of toasted bread to complete the sandwich. Because Bolthouse dressings are made with yogurt, they’re naturally creamy, lower in calories and higher in protein than oil-based dressings. Visit www.bolthouse.com to learn more.

This content is in partnership with Bolthouse Farms.


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