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Invest In The Cloud To Advance Your Small Business

(NAPSI)—It used to be that the size of your technology investment was in direct proportion to the size of your business. That is no longer necessarily the case. With so many customizable technology offerings available through the cloud, even the smallest microbusiness can be equipped with enterprise-size technology that can make a difference in today’s crowded business climate.

Available cloud solutions, such as collaboration software, Web-based e-mail and online suites of Office software, can be combined to create a customized collection of interconnected technologies to help your business grow. A study by Intuit shows that by 2020, 78 percent of small businesses will be fully adapted to the cloud. By investing in these offerings now, small businesses can stay a step ahead of their competition for an affordable rate.

Consider this: With cloud-based solutions, implementation and maintenance are turnkey. Behind-the-scenes updates ensure better security than many small businesses were previously able to afford, leveling the playing field with larger enterprises when it comes to technology infrastructure. What’s more, an investment in the cloud is also an investment in security for your proprietary information.

Cyberattacks are a growing threat to businesses, big and small, across the globe. In a survey conducted by McAfee, more than 75 percent of these attacks were aimed at small businesses. If your business succumbs to an attack, it puts everyone at risk, including your customers. The added level of security with cloud-based technology is an asset, though it’s important to make sure employees practice responsible password management to help protect the company.

This extends to employees who work remotely, as they can become lax when logging in to work servers and sharing documents in public places. That doesn’t mean small businesses should discourage this way of working. The ability to work from anywhere is a trend that’s not going away and cloud-based software lets people work from coffee shops and conference centers. Nearly 75 percent of small businesses employ a remote workforce, so it’s imperative that a company’s technology, especially security measures, match the flexibility of employees.

To learn more about optimizing your small business with technology, visit the Microsoft Small Business Hub and download the free “Boost Your Business With New Technology” eGuide, focused on helping you uncover new efficiencies and increased productivity through new technology. It’s at

On the Net:North American Precis Syndicate, Inc.(NAPSI)

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