5 things you need to know about magnesium

(BPT) – Magnesium is an essential mineral of a healthy diet that may help to maintain the function of the heart, muscles and nervous system, but as many as seven out of 10 Americans don’t get enough magnesium from their diets. Busy schedules often lead to on-the-go meals that can cause diets to fall short of nutrients, so it is important to be aware of how magnesium supports the body and the risk of developing magnesium deficiency.

1. Cardiovascular health

Proper magnesium levels help to maintain normal heart rhythms and may also play a role in helping to maintain blood pressure levels already within a normal range.

2. Energy metabolism

Sweating heavily can cause runners to lose electrolytes like magnesium, and low levels of magnesium can cause the body to use more oxygen and energy during a workout. High endurance athletes, like marathon runners, may be at a greater risk for magnesium deficiency.

3. Cognitive function

Magnesium may help support learning and memory performance in aging adults, and a proper magnesium level supports regulation of a key brain receptor involved in maintaining cognitive function.

4. Certain medicines and medical conditions

Certain chronic conditions, such as Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease and poorly-controlled diabetes, as well as some medications can deplete magnesium levels.

5. Calcium absorption

Magnesium may help the body to absorb and use calcium, a mineral that helps ensure bones and teeth are strong and is necessary for normal nerve and muscle function.

Taking an over-the-counter magnesium supplement, like Slow-Mag(R) Tablets, is one of the best ways to get the magnesium you need.

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