(BPT) – Predicting the future can be a Herculean task in its own right, but when it comes to forecasting the growth of urban areas across the globe, research points strongly toward some new truths. One, urban areas will continue to grow. Two, with continued development of “smart’ technologies for homes, businesses and entire cities, there is expected to be a significant impact on the employment landscape.
The boom of urban areas
Today, more than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas, according to the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations’ estimates and projections data reported in the 2014 Revision of World Urbanization Prospects. And, that figure is only predicted to grow. In fact, experts estimate urban centers will be home to two-thirds or 66 percent of the world’s population by 2050.
These same predictions also see more people flocking to larger cities. By today’s estimates, there are 28 megacities — locales with populations of more than 10 million people — across the globe. However, that number is expected to jump to 41 megacities as early as 2030. And as these cities continue to grow, managing that growth effectively becomes even more important.
The growth of technology and the “Internet of Things”
As cities continue to grow, experts forecast they will face challenges. There will be the need for infrastructure improvements to meet the challenges in housing, transportation, energy and employment to continue functioning successfully. As well as the ability to anticipate and prepare for future job skills requirements. A key factor in addressing both of these dilemmas lies in the continued development of technology, including the Internet of Things (IoT), to help cities utilize resources more efficiently.
IoT can be integral in helping to maintain efficiency in these ever-growing cities by transforming the existing infrastructure into a giant interactive network to include everything from air quality, transportation and energy to communication systems.
Finding professionals to meet the challenges of change
To prepare for the new economy, students can learn through coding bootcamps like those offered by DeVry University. Over a 10-week course period, these bootcamps offer attendees coding skills education that can be applied in the growing IoT economy. They also prepare students for the marketplace by helping them create a portfolio, develop an interviewing strategy and fine tune their social media presence. Students can feel more empowered to face the challenges that are ahead.
“Innovative education is critical. To meet the needs and wants of today’s students, and of employers looking for professionals with targeted skill sets, we continuously explore new ways to deliver relevant educational offerings,” said Shantanu Bose, Ph.D., provost of DeVry University. “Bootcamps are accelerated learning opportunities to augment current knowledge or immerse oneself into new disciplines in a matter of weeks or months. And like degree and certificate programs, bootcamps can be impressive additions to resumes when aligned with the chosen field.”