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A toast to good healthcare at VNA/Hospice reception

Kathie and Michael Pierce opened up their gorgeous oceanfront home at John’s Island last Wednesday evening for a cocktail reception under the stars to welcome returning VNA and Hospice Foundation and VNA Treasure Coast board members and their spouses in advance of another busy season.

“Everyone loves the VNA; that’s why we’re all here,” said Kathie Pierce, chair of the VNA and Hospice Foundation, as guests enjoyed cocktails and passed hors d’oeuvres catered by Adrienne Drew while mingling in the large open-air lanai. “When you look at Vero as a whole, I think it’s one of the best towns for helping people.”

The Visiting Nurse Association of the Treasure Coast was founded more than 40 years ago. The organization continues to provide quality patient care in an ever-growing population thanks to a philanthropic community that recognizes the importance of caring for all individuals, including those in need who lack the financial resources or insurance to care for their loved ones on their own.

“Advancing the health and wellness mission of the VNA requires volunteer champions, leaders and advocates who work well together and have developed a culture of accountability,” said Kerry Bartlett, VNA and Hospice Foundation vice president.

“Tonight was an opportunity for board members from both the VNA operating company and the foundation to reconnect after summer travels and strengthen relationships in preparation for the work that lies ahead. Our community’s most fragile patients are counting on the VNA to provide the healthcare services they need. We, in turn, rely on board members to ensure adequate resources are available to meet goals and exceed expectations.”

The nonprofit organization provides a wide range of services, including home healthcare nursing, in-home companions, various forms of therapy and transportation. As the county’s only licensed hospice provider, they offer end-of-life care in individual homes and nursing homes, hospitals and assisted living facilities, as well as at the VNA Hospice House.

Community wellness services include the “healthcare on wheels” Mobile Health Unit, for the treatment of minor illnesses for uninsured or under-insured residents, Shoo-the Flu vaccinations at locations throughout the county, and free blood-pressure and sugar screenings.

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