This week I interviewed Mitzi Bengyak, a little pooch who found her Forever Family because of a hurry-cane. She’s one of the sweetest little pooch gals I’ve ever met AND – she’s a Springer Spaniel, like ME! Woof!
She was very polite, came right up for the Wag-and-Sniff, then gave my Assistant some friendly nosebumps. Then she gave me a Really Big Smile, and I noticed her sparkly brown eyes, the shiny black curls on her long, floppy ears, and the fashion-forward, black-and-white polka dots on her right front leg. (Hey, I read the magazines.)
“Welcome Mr. Bonzo! This is my Mom, Eleanor. We can sit right here by the kitchen table. So, what would you like to know?”
Reminding myself that I was On The Job, I opened my notebook. “Please, call me Bonz! I hear you found your Mom and Dad because of a hurry-cane.”
“That’s true! Back in 2005, there was this kennel in Sebastian that bred Springer Spaniels and Dachshunds. There were so many pooches it had got way outta hand. There were, like, 50 of us, all sorta crammed together. Me and my littermates were just pupsters when we had this hurry-cane called Wilma. The kennel people went Elsewhere, and all us pooches hadda be rescued by a bunch of nice humans from the Humane Society.
“Meanwhile, my Mom and Dad’s Golden Retriever, Taffy, had gone to Dog Heaven, and they said they NEVER, EVER wanted another dog. After the hurry-cane, Mom and Dad went down to the Humane Society to help out with all the rescued dogs just when another helper was bringing in a load of puppies, including ME.
“I was the smallest. We were all sorta huddled together, and then – you know how you just have a FEELing? – I spotted Mom and Dad and something told me I should make a move. So I smiled really big and came over to ‘em. And we all knew they were gonna get another dog after all!”
“A happy ending!” I said.
“Yes. But I had lotsa troubles right away. I hadda have SURgery, three times! Heart surgery and a coupla others.”
“Oh, for Lassie’s Sake!” I blurted.
“It’s OK. I’m almost totally better now.”
“Whaddya do for fun? Any dog buddies?”
“Woof, yes! Lots! The Dogs for Life Dog Park’s just across the street. Didja know I’m a co-founder? So’s Mom. We go over there all the time. The other pooches call me Queen of the Park. There’s a little Corgie – Rowdy – we call him The Sheriff. He’s always breaking up scuffles and Keepin’ the Peace. My friend Ellie’s a Springer like me, but I’m mostly black, she’s mostly white. And Georgie Girl, she’s a Mix! Then there’s Rufus, a Golden Retriever. He’s a Service Dog, too. And a big ol’ German Shepherd. I can’t pronounce his name. Didja know we have scholarships at the Dog Park in case some pooches can’t afford the membership fee. That was my idea.”
“That’s Totally Cool Dog Biscuits!” I told her.
“I also enjoy playing on the beach. I LOVE water. Well, you know, you’re a Spaniel, too! And the rain! That’s way fun! Cuz of the puddles! Do you like puddles?”
“I do!”
“But I also do Important Stuff: When my Dad, Victor, got sick, I took special classes at Dogs for Life. After I passed the Canine Good Citizen class, and the Pet Assisted Therapy Dog class, I took other classes so I could be an Official Service Dog for Dad. Like when he fell asleep in his chair I’d go lift up his arm so he wouldn’t tip over. And I learned how to hit the button on his special phone to call for help, if he told me to. We were best buddies. My Dad’s in Heaven now, and me and Mom are still sad. But we have each other, and now I’m HER Service Dog and I get to take care of her. Right now, I’m studying for my annual re-certification. I thank Lassie that I could help Mom and Dad, you know, show ‘em I love ‘em, cuz they saved me and gave me a Forever Family.”
Mizi had gotten real serious, but then she bounced up. “Oh, Bonz, I wanna show you my pawsome toy crate!”
Her Mom brought it in. It was super nice: a wooden crate with black wood letters that said “Mitzi’s Toys,” and a picture of Mitzi painted on the side. It was full of stuffed animals and some squishy balls. On the top of the heap was a big stuffed bone covered with soft green fabric.
“That’s a really nice bone,” I remarked. “I’ve never seen one like it.”
“It’s my favorite!” Mitzi said. “It’s the most special thing I have. You know why? Cuz I got it from Mom and Dad’s children and grandchildren, Sharon, Patrick, B.J., Cheyenne, Ava and Alayna. They had it made specially for me out of one of Dad’s favorite shirts. When I snuggle up against it, it reminds me of him. And look what they gave Mom.”
It was a soft green teddy bear, made from the same shirt. I had to wipe my eyes with my paw.
“You are a lucky pooch to have such a loving family,” I told her. “And they’re lucky, too.”
She smiled. “I know you have to get back to the office, but maybe you could come over sometime and we could play in the park. I’ll introduce you to all my pooch pals.”
“That’d be great,” I said, sincerely. As we drove off, I could see her still standing in her big, fenced yard, waving her paw.”
Till next time,
The Bonz