Philanthropy suits ladies of the Circle to a Tea

The philanthropic ladies of the Circle, an all-volunteer group who provide support to the Vero Beach Museum of Art’s Community Engagement Programs, enjoyed an afternoon tea at the lovely Marsh Island Clubhouse to kick off its eighth season.

Similar to other giving circles, members annually contribute $250 or more to supplement the cost of the Museum’s outreach programs. Members volunteer to conduct site visits and report their findings at informational meetings to narrow down choices, with finalists chosen by members at a Cocktail Reception in the spring.

Nancy Edmiston, who is taking on double duty as chair of both the Circle and the Friends committee, spoke to the women about some of the milestones since its founding in 2009.

“With renewals this year, total funds raised just plowed through $200,000. That’s a really impressive accomplishment,” said Edmiston. “Word of mouth is what keeps our circle expanding; that’s what it’s all about.”

Edmiston also commented on the upcoming retirement of Lucinda Gedeon as CEO of the Museum, noting, “She really leaves the Museum in wonderful shape going forward.”

In appreciation, Edmiston presented Gedeon with a stunning floral arrangement in an Orrefors crystal vase etched with the logo of the Circle.

“It has been just a joy to work with you,” said Gedeon, thanking the members for their generous support of the various outreach programs that have enabled the Museum to make ever greater impacts on the community. She added that she planned to continue her involvement even after retirement, by becoming a member of the Circle.

Robyn Orzel, VBMA director of development, echoed Gedeon’s appreciation, adding, “Most important, your support has allowed us to determine how we can be more successful and reach more people.”

Orzel related that Museum staff research what other museums and art institutions are doing in terms of outreach, and try to think creatively about the types of programs they could offer if they had the extra funding. She gave a broad overview of the existing programs underway in the areas of Youth and Family Programs, School and Community Impact Programs, and Art for Health Sake that they have had success with, and also spoke about some exciting new potential initiatives.

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