I’ve still got a lot to learn about all the mix-and-match pooch breeds, you know, the sorta made-to-order, designer dogs. I think they’re Cool Dog Biscuits and I ‘specially get a Big Woof out of the names they get. It’d be fun to be the one who gets to make ‘em up, doncha think? Anyway, this week I met a Mini Golden Doodle and, believe me, this little poocheroo is just as totally cute as her breed name.
Ellie MacIntyre’s just a little sprout, not quite 2 yet, but she was there at the door with her Mom, and trotted right up for the Wag-and-Sniff. Ackshully, it was a Wag-Wiggle-and-Sniff. She was a super pretty, light gold-and-cream, curly, poodle hair, but smaller size. And she had these bright, black eyes.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Bonzo! I’m Ellie and this is my Mom, Heather. My Dad’s Boo (I KNOW, cool name, right?) He’s at work. And this is my big sister, Emmy.”
Emmy, turns out, is a Golden Retriever, exactly the same color as Ellie. They were A Set! “Welcome, Mr. Bonzo,” Emmy said softly.
“Delighted to meet you all,” I told them, as we got settled. “I’m eager to hear your story.”
”Mom and Dad had Emmy for 14 years. She’s Real Old,” Ellie began, looking over at Emmy with affection. “After they did a bunch of Research, they decided it’d be a good idea to get a puppy sister for Emmy, cuz puppies help give older dogs, who usually aren’t very bouncy anymore, a Sense of Purpose. You know, perk ‘em up a little. Keep ‘em young at heart.”
“So, anyway, they wanted a Golden Something, but a small dog this time. They found this Golden Retriever breeder up in Ocala, who had rescued a toy poodle and decided he might as well raise mini golden doodles. My pooch Mom, Hannah, was an English Cream Golden Retriever and my Dad, Deryl, was a spunky, 9-pound toy poodle. I was in their first litter. That’s why I’m so beautiful – and spunky.”
I laughed and agreed. Every so often, during the interview, Emmy would bark out a few sociable woofs.
“Mom had First Pick,” Ellie continued. “My human sister, Ashley, ackshully picked me. I was the Runt – hadda be bottle-fed. I only weighed 3 pounds when I went with ‘em to my Forever Home. But now I’m a big girl. Well, big-ER. Mom says I was awesome right from the start. Like, I didn’t chew Mom’s and Dad’s shoes or anything like that. It’s cuz I had a great Role Model – Emmy. I just watched her and did what she did, so I didn’t get in any trouble. She taught me everything I know. PLUS, cuz I’m so bouncy and stuff, she plays way more. (Mom and Dad call it Exercise.) Me and Emmy are Totally BFFs.
“When we’re home, we go to the dog spa. It’s real fancy. I get all spiffed up and trimmed. But nothing poodle-y. I wanna look like Emmy. No froufrou.”
“Whaddya you girls do for fun?” I inquired.
“Well, we (mostly me) chase lizards. I call ‘em Little Dragons. I always try to get ‘em to play but they won’t for some reason. What I LOVE BEST is swimmin’ in the pool (which I only go in when Mom and Dad say I can. I follow the Rules). Emmy swims cuz it helps her arthritis. I also LOVE going to the beach and being on our boat. I always try to get the pelicans and the dolphins to play with me. Dog, we have the BEST time ever! We get together with other humans and pooches who have boats same as ours – it’s called the Grady Bunch. Mom says someday I can maybe go to the Bahamas with ‘em. Mom and Dad love the Bahamas so much they named me and Emmy after ‘em: Emmy’s named for Miss Emily, a human who lived in the Bahamas and invented something called the Goombay Smash.”
“The what?”
“It’s something humans drink when they want to laugh and talk louder than usual and take their shoes off. It’s best if they’re on a boat and there’s a beach and they don’t have to go to work the next day. Anyway, I’m named for Elbow Cay, also in the Bahamas.
“I also love to play with my human sister, Ashley. She plays a game called lacrosse and she’s really good at it. I think I could play lacrosse, too I mean, there is a Ball involved. Plus, I’m really fast. When Ashley has to go away, and I can’t go, we both cry. She’s my human BFF. She takes me over to Ocean Drive and we visit all the shops. Lots of ‘em have water specially for dogs.
“Here in our neighborhood, us pooches visit each other’s houses, and play in each other’s pools. Oooo, and look what me and Mom do.”
Ellie scooted out of the room and came back with a long, soggy-looking, semi-stuffed something-or-other in her mouth.
“Thiff iff by FAY-bo-wut! Waaj!”
Before I could say “What?” her Mom had grabbed one end and they were engaged in an energetic game of Tug-of-War, punctuated by lots of woofs from Emmy and (non-threatening, slightly muffled) Grrrrs from Ellie.
When the game ended in a draw, Ellie said, “I’m totally a Momma’s Girl. I always hafta know she’s nearby. When she’s on the sofa, I sometimes leap back-and-forth over her, like a cat (but better, of course).”
The time had gone by fast. Heading home I was thinking about joyful little Ellie, happily play-play-playing with her big sister Emmy.
Till next time,
The Bonz