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National Preparedness Month: Tips to Get Your Family Ready

(StatePoint) While most people don’t like to think about worst case scenarios, giving them their proper consideration can ultimately offer peace of mind.

September is National Preparedness Month and it is a great time to get your home and family ready for a range of emergencies. Here are three steps to take.

Stock Up

Every home should contain a supply kit that includes a surplus of nonperishable food items, as well as fresh bottled water. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends one gallon per person in your household per day for three days.

FEMA also recommends that the kit include prescription medications for everyone in the family, personal hygiene items, a flashlight, extra batteries and matches, amongst other items. For a complete list, visit

Free Yourself of Your Phone

While we all know that smartphone technology and other mobile devices offer us useful information, in an emergency scenario these devices may lose their signal or their battery life. Stay prepared and informed no matter what happens with wearable technology that is not at the mercy of a cellphone tower or a battery that needs to be recharged every few hours.

For example Casio’s PRO TREK PRG300 timepieces feature functions like an altimeter, compass and barometer (great for staying aware of changes in temperature or air pressure). They also deliver this information hands-free, which can be useful any day of the week but extra valuable in an emergency.

Get Insured

Is your home and property properly insured? Know what your homeowners insurance covers and determine whether it is sufficient to meet your needs. For example, homeowners insurance policies do not typically cover flooding, which requires separate coverage. Learn more about your home’s primary risks and get covered now, before it’s too late.

No one has a crystal ball that can see into the future, so to best protect your family and your home, get prepared for everything.


Photo Credit: (c) Pixsooz –

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