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United Way to include school projects in Day of Caring

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — United Way’s traditional Day of Caring will continue expansion in Indian River County by taking on projects at schools such as painting, classroom projects, and landscaping on Oct. 8, 2016.

Publix, the No. 1 workplace donor for United Way of Indian River County, is once again sponsoring this phenomenal event.

“We will kick off our annual fundraising campaign by coordinating hundreds of volunteers working for nonprofits all over the county,” said United Way CEO, Michael Kint. “There are lots of ways to be philanthropic and volunteering is certainly a hands-on, from-the-heart, chance to give. The volunteers love this opportunity as much as the agencies that benefit.”

If you are a non-profit and need some painting done, lawn care, office work, or limited building projects, United Way has volunteers who want to work for you.

If you are an individual volunteer, a family group, neighborhood, club, or employee team interested in participating, there is a wide variety of projects that need your help.

United Way of Indian River County is recruiting individuals, businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies in order to create long-term social change.

“We want to see more healthy, well-educated and financially–stable individuals and families,” said Katie Kirk, United Way Board Member and Day of Caring Chair. “Promoting volunteerism is critical to the work of United Way.”

In years past, volunteers have washed emergency vehicles, painted inside and out, mulched and gardened, installed accessible railings, cleaned up beaches, filled food packs for hungry children, cleaned early childhood classrooms, and more.

Non-profits, including schools, interested in benefiting from a team of volunteers, and volunteers looking for opportunities to participate, should visit or contact MaccaEna at (772) 567-8900, or .

United Way of Indian River County invites people to get involved by helping others. Go to to learn about local opportunities for service. For more information about United Way or to give online, visit our website at

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