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Tips to Save on Back to School Necessities

(StatePoint) After a relaxing summer, back-to-school worries can be stressful and expensive, from purchasing new school supplies to planning lunches.

The discount experts at Dollar General are sharing tips to help you save time and money when planning for the new school year.

Stock Up On School Supplies

There are plenty of ways to dwindle down your spending as you get your child ready for the first day of school. The best place to start is with the school supply list provided by the teacher.

Go through all of the supplies from last year and determine what is usable and what needs to be replaced. Access your favorite coupons sites, like Dollar General Digital Coupons, for additional back-to-school savings.

Save on Snack Time

Simplify lunch preparation by stocking up on essential food items that are easy to grab on-the-go. One way to limit busy mornings before school is to set aside one afternoon each week to cook food in bulk that can be used during the week. That way, you don’t have to worry about cooking from scratch each day and can provide your children with balanced meal options.

Take Inventory and Reuse

Buying new clothes may be one of the most expensive parts to back-to-school shopping. Just because it’s a new school year doesn’t mean your child needs an entirely new wardrobe. For the clothes that do need replacing, considering shopping out-of-season to take advantage of clearance sales.

Make back-to-school shopping easy. Planning ahead can help you save on items to ensure this is the best school year yet. Your wallet will surely thank you.

Photo Credit: (c) Monkey Business –

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