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How technology from Thermacell creates a mosquito “force field”

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — July Fourth signifies the start of summer and the season for pesky, biting insects that can ruin the enjoyment of outdoor activities. Thermacell is the solution for repelling mosquitoes this summer.

While dawn and dusk continue to be the key times to worry about getting bitten, Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes, the carry viruses such as dengue, chikungunya, and Zika, bite all day long and live in urban areas.

Thermacell Mosquito Repellent products disperse repellent toward mosquitoes and not on the user, creating a 15- by 15-foot “force field” of protection in minutes.

Thermacell products use butane to heat a repellent mat to evenly and effectively disseminate a repellent that biting bugs really hate. It is a copy of the natural repellent occurring in chrysanthemums. It repels pests for up to 12 hours with its new Max Life mats.

These products are EPA approved and have been tested by the U.S. Army in Turkey and Costa Rica for effectiveness against mosquitoes and in Maine against black flies.

The effective, non-topical mosquito repelling products come in the form of lanterns, repellers and torches. All are proven to be up to 96 percent effective against mosquitoes based on a university study on spatial repellents conducted in Israel in 2013. Visit to see the entire product collection.

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