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Deputy rescues 2 kids, mom, dog in boat

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — He was the right guy in the right place at the right time.

That would be Indian River County Sheriff’s Deputy Christian Mathisen, who saved two children, a woman and a dog over the weekend. 

Deputy Mathisen was patrolling the Indian River Lagoon when he observed a small boy on the bow of a vessel flagging him down, according to authorities. The vessel appeared to be adrift and taking on water. Deputy Mathisen boarded the boat, occupied by two children, their mother and their dog.

He located the source of the leak and plugged it, according to the Sheriff’s Office. The vessel was flooded to the point that the bilge pump had failed and would no longer remove the water that had gathered in the boat.

Deputy Mathisen placed the boat in a hip-tow with the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office boat, transporting them to the closest dock. Deputies drove the female to the dock where she originally entered the water to recover her vehicle and trailer. Deputy Mathisen assisted her in securing the boat onto the trailer, making it safe for travel.

“This weekend’s water rescue is another example of our deputies saving lives,” said Indian River County Sheriff Deryl Loar. “Deputy Mathisen’s expertise on the water helped him prevent a possible tragedy. “

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