INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — A former Dodgertown Elementary School teacher has been found guilty of two counts of lewd and lascivious molestation.
Alfredo Leon, 62, was found guilty Tuesday, according to Indian River County Sheriff’s Spokesman Lt. Eric Flowers. The trial was for the second victim; he is currently awaiting trial for the first.
Leon was first arrested in November 2014. On Nov. 12, a student at Dodgertown Elementary told his or her parent that music teacher Alfredo Leon Jr. exposed his genitals in his office while other students were watching a movie in the classroom, according to the Sheriff’s Office.
More students have come forward in the case against the Dodgertown Elementary School teacher who was arrested Nov. 19, 2014, according to authorities.
The students who came forward alleged more inappropriate conduct, according to authorities. Detectives served a search warrant today at Alfredo Leon Jr.’s house, which is across from Citrus Elementary School.
More charges were filed in December 2014 where he faced two counts of lewd and lascivious molestation of a victim age 12-16, and two felony charges of child pornography, according to the Sheriff’s Office.
Leon was arrested Dec. 24, 2014, and faced an additional charge of felony lewd and lascivious molesting offender over 18/victim under 12.