Short-term rentals generated big bucks for IRC

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Short-term rentals represented about 34 percent of the total income from the County Tourist Development Tax collections for the quarters ending March 31, 2015 and 2016, second only to the Hotel/Motel category, according to a staff report to the County Commission May 3.

Commissioner Pete O’Bryan said he was “surprised (the numbers) were so high, more than we thought” — $245,941 for ’15 and $282,773 for ’16 —  and suggested that was perhaps, in part, the result of the county pushing harder to have all short-term rentals properties registered.

Tim Zorc asked whether the short-term rental category included “education-related dorms,” such as Flite-Safety.

County Comptroller Jeff Smith said such entities are exempt.

Boarding/Apartments, Mobile Homes and Timeshares complete the five Tourist Development Tax Categories.

Totals for the two quarters: $740,288 for 2015; $815,343 or 2016.

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