INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — For the 25th year in a row according to county officials, the Indian River County Office of Management and Budget has been recognized with a national award for its budget.
About 1,500 governments in North America received this award for 2014-15 budgets from the Government Finance Officers Association )GFAO) of the United States and Canada, an entity which serves more than 18,000 government officials.
“This award represents a significant achievement by the entity. It reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting,” an announcement from the GFAO states.
To be considered, the county’s budget documents had to be found to be proficient in four categories: the budget as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide and a communications device.
Long-time budget director Jason Brown has been tapped to replace County Administrator Joe Baird, who is retiring in June with more than 30 years of service.