This week I had a fun yap with a real energetic Australian Shepherd, Bear Sunkel. She’s a total tomboy pooch, and really outgoing. Soon as me and my assistant knocked, we could hear her barking and bouncing, and when the door opened, there she was, big smile, came right up for the Wag-and-Sniff, or, in her case, the Wag-Wag-Wag-Wag-Wag-and-Sniff.
Leading the way to the living room, she was talking mile-a-minute: “Hi, Bonzo! I’m Bear! This’s my Mom and Dad, Bob and Liz, they’re Humans. I’m s’pose to Sit Still and Pay Attention when you’re here cuz that’s puh-LITE, Dad says, so I’m gonna really try, OK?”
She was a pretty pooch, black hair mostly, orange eyebrows and sox, and some white, too. When she was talking, one black ear pointed up and the other flopped over – totally cute.
“I can’t wait to hear your story, Miss Bear,” I said, opening my notebook.
“Me either,” she replied. She sat down by her Dad, then got up and came over to my assistant and me, sniffed, then went back to her Dad and sat. Until a fly zoomed by. Both ears went up and, in a flash, she’d sprung into action, chasing that poor fly all over the house. I was afraid she’d crash into a wall or something cuz she was looking at that fly the whole time.
Suddenly she skidded to halt and trotted back over to us.
“Oh, Pooch! I totally forgot about that sitting stuff. Sorry!” She sat down.
“No problemo,” I told her. “Just take your time.”
“OK. NOW I’m ready. So, a lotta Humans think I’m a boy cuz of my name. See, my Mom and Dad said I looked just like a bear cub and even walked like a bear cub when I was tiny pupster. Plus, they didn’t like my kennel name – Monkey. Woof! I’m glad they ix-nayed that!”
“How’d they find you?” I queried.
“Dad wanted a German Shepherd cuz he had one when he was a pupster. But he found out, if he had a German Shepherd, he couldn’t get insurance. I’m a little fuzzy on what that is, but I know Dad hasta have it. Anyway, he decided another kinda shepherd would be OK and he and Mom picked ME. We got along great right away. Dad says I’m hyper-cuddly. Now I’m a whole year old and I’m havin’ so much Fun. I love playing with other pooches. If they don’t wanna play, I just bark and bark ’til they do. My Bestie’s Rue, she’s a Rescue Pit Bull Mix. At Christmas, Me and Rue wore matching red sweaters. I DON’T LIKE WEARING STUFF! Our Humans took pictures of us in front of The Tree. It was a perfectly good tree, I thought, but, for some reason, the Humans didn’t want us to Do Our Duty by it, just cuz it wasn’t outside. I didn’t get it, but it was a pretty big deal for them.”
“I have tons of toys, too. My favorite’s a tennis ball. If I can’t get Mom or Dad to play catch with me, I just throw it up in the air to myself. My ‘nother favorite is my Peanut Butter Bone. Or, ackshully, anything with peanut butter.”
“I hear ya!” I interjected.
“I love the Dog Park, and going out on the boat. I’m also really fond of the carpet.”
“How so?” I asked.
“Well, I just nibble at it and, when a little string pops up, I pull on it. I could munch on carpet strings all day. But I don’t think Mom and Dad really like that. ONCE they had another couch just like the one you’re sitting on, with the same fluffy pillows. Well, I nibbled just a little bit, and the pillow popped open and out came all these wonderful fluffy white, floaty things. They were the most fun! They were EVERYwhere! Dad told me they were Feathers and that he’d really prefer I not munch the couch pillows ANY MORE! Now, I just go to Dad’s clothes hamper and pick out his socks, one at a time, and bring ’em into the living room. But I don’t chew ’em … much.”
“Sounds like you’re a happy pooch,” I commented.
“I totally am,” Bear said. “And my Dad is the coolest Dad EVER. He’s a HERO.”
I was all ears.
“He’s a Deputty Sheriff. He has this special car (which I don’t get to ride in), and he drives all over keeping everybody safe. Well, last month he was driving around and there was a bad wreck. A car and tow truck crashed into each other and got on fire and there was a hurt lady stuck in the car. There was all this fire and black smoke everywhere. But my Dad went right up and busted the car window and another Deputty came to help, too, and they worked and worked and finally rescued the lady just 10 seconds before the car was burning all up inside. I saw it on TV and it was really dangerous and scary. My Dad and the lady Deputy got special medals from Governor Scott (he’s the Human in charge of Florida.) I am SO proud of My Dad! I always snuggle with him and give him lots of love and cuddles. It’s the least I can do.”
Heading home, I was thinking about Humans and Dogs who actually get a chance to save someone’s life. And who are brave enough to do it, even if it’s real dangerous. It made me wonder whether, if I ever had that chance, I’d be brave enough, like Bear’s Dad was. I hope I would be.
Till next time,
The Bonz