Hibiscus benefit luncheon was fashionably great

Fashions and friendship are the hallmark of the annual Blue Ribbon Luncheon and Fashion Show to benefit the Hibiscus Children’s Center and this year’s Hats off to Hibiscus-themed event was no exception. The sold-out luncheon drew roughly 270 ladies – many in wonderfully stylish hats – to the Oak Harbor Club House, eager to get a sneak peek at the season’s latest fashions while supporting a great cause.

The energy level in the lobby was high as guests clinked champagne glasses and chatted, perused a wealth of silent auction items, and purchased chances in hopes of winning one of three great raffle prizes.

“These types of events do not happen by themselves; they take leadership,” said Hibiscus CEO Paul Sexton, acknowledging event co-chairs, Jan Harrell and Karen Loeffler and the hardworking ladies of the Hibiscus Guild who organize the organization’s numerous fundraisers, developing long-lasting friendships in the bargain.

“Thanks to you, what I’m thrilled about is that the word hope exists at Hibiscus Children’s Center,” said Sexton. “Because of you we are able to heal hearts, minds and souls. Because of you we are helping children overcome adversity. Because of you we’re able to protect children. And, most of all, because of you we are able to enrich their lives. Thank you for what you do to help us serve children.”

“As friends, we all come together for a singular purpose and that is to raise funds for Hibiscus Children’s Center,” said Linda Teetz, a 12-year member of the guild and a Hibiscus Foundation board member. “Those kids are very special. They wake up when they’re in an abusive situation with pain; not knowing what is going to happen to them that day. And then they come to Hibiscus Children’s Center and they live like a family. They realize what it’s like to be nurtured, to be loved, to be cared for. Hibiscus has a 99 percent success rate with these kids.”

Commenting that abuse occurs even in our beautiful community, she related the story of a woman whose daughter was in an abusive relationship and Hibiscus provided assistance to them.

“Hibiscus doesn’t just take care of kids, it also helps families,” said Teetz, sharing that the woman told her, “They were so helpful to us, and now my two grandchildren are healthy children thanks to Hibiscus. You are doing good work.”

After a delicious lunch, adorable little girls started off the Fashion Show, modeling outfits from Lily Pad while proud mothers captured their little ones’ runway moments on cellphones. Statuesque models in impossibly high heels showed off the latest designs from J. McLaughlin, Pineapples, Sassy Boutique Frances Brewster and Cooper & Co., featuring an array of multicolored silks, jumpsuits, jacketed dress and pant outfits, and chic long skirts with crisp tailored shirts. See our Style section for more about the fashion show.

“These are fabulous wearable fashions that would fit the average woman and make them feel special,” said Trudie Rainone, a comment echoed by many of the ladies present.

Hibiscus Children’s Center is the only residential home on the Treasure Coast for children who are victims of physical and emotional abuse and neglect. In addition to providing a safe and secure place for them to live, Hibiscus provides mental health counseling, life skills and job training.

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