SEBASTIAN — Indian River County officials plan to purchase 10.64 acres of native scrub land in Sebastian “for the public benefit … for conservation and for compatible passive recreation” – for the bargain-basement price of $112,000.
The price tag is a fraction of the 2009 County Land Acquisition Advisory Committee stated value of $2.6 million.
Voicing the obvious, Commission Chair Bob Solari called it a “wonderful deal.”
Funding will come from the Native Uplands Acquisition Fund. There will be no attorney or appraisal fees.
The property – half trees and vegetation and half grassy field – sits on the north side of Barber Street, about a quarter-mile west of the FEC tracks.
About three years ago, it was the subject of controversy when owner and scrub jay advocate Jane Schnee sought a controlled burn permit to reduce underbrush, a maintenance technique commonly used on native scrub lands by the Forestry Service.
Schnee’s neighbors complained loudly and the City Council denied the request.
Schnee, a longtime environmentalist, has great interest in preserving the wildlife habitat. Staff recommended and the board voted, via the Consent Agenda, to approve the purchase agreement.
Commissioner Peter O’Bryan suggested naming the property after Schnee and installing appropriate signage.