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Sebastian salutes military museum pitch

SEBASTIAN – The American Legion Post 189 is on the precipice of installing a military museum. Members of the American Legion presented the idea to the Sebastian City Council, which appeared supportive of the endeavor.

“It’s impressive,” Councilwoman Andrea Coy said of the collection that will be making its way from Connecticut to Sebastian.

Veterans Advisory Committee member Len Dubee curated his own museum, which is currently housed in Connecticut. Having transplanted to Sebastian, he told the Council he wants to bring his collection here.

“Being a citizen of Sebastian is an honor for me,” Dubee said.

The collection includes more than two dozen mannequins in full military dress ranging from the Revolutionary War to the Desert Storm Operation.

Firearms, too, will be part of the museum – but no tanks.

Mayor Bob McPartlan voiced support for the museum but expressed slight disappointment there would be no tanks.

“I’ve been dying for a tank,” McPartlan said, later adding, “I’m an Army guy. I love tanks.”

Dubee said he has been collecting items since he was 17 years old and has focused primarily on military personnel.

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