INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — President Theodore Roosevelt created Pelican Island, the first Federal Bird Sanctuary, near Sebastian on March 14, 1903. Now 113 years later, and close to the exact day, Theodore Roosevelt will be brought to life by actor and historian Joe Wiegand in “An Evening with Teddy Roosevelt,” on the auditorium stage of Sebastian River High School on Friday, March 11, 2016.
The Sebastian River High School (SRHS) is located at 9001 90th Ave (CR 510) approximately 5 miles west of the U.S. Highway 1 and CR 510 intersection or 3 miles east of Exit 156 on I-95.
The 90-minute show is sponsored by the Indian River County Historical Society. Tickets for the 7 p.m. show are available in advance for $12.50 for adults, $8 for teachers, and $8 for students 18 years of age and younger. Reserved seating tickets are $15 and tickets at the door are $20 each. Doors open at 6 p.m.
A pre-show “Dinner with Teddy” at Sharky’s Café on the SRHS campus will be held at 5:15 p.m. Some of Teddy’s favorite foods will be prepared and served by the SRHS Culinary Department under the direction of Mr. Richard Appel. Dinner tickets include a special reserved seat at the show.
Raffles will be held before the show with winners to be announced following the 15 minute intermission. Proceeds from the show will be used to fund the programs of the Indian River County Historical Society (IRCHS). Tickets and more information are available from IRCHS at 2336 14th Ave. in Vero Beach by calling (772) 778-3435 between 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. M-F, on the IRCHS website at, or by e-mailing indianriverhisto@