If the City of Fellsmere wants to continue receiving grants from the State for various road improvement and economic development projects, it has to play by the government’s rules.
To that end, the Fellsmere City Council last week updated its Affirmative Action Policy to fall in line with Florida’s Community Development Block Grant Affirmative Action Policy.
“This is proof there is no such thing as a free lunch,” City Manager Jason Nunemaker told the Council prior to the unanimous vote. “But these aren’t particularly onerous.”
Essentially, the City’s policy needs to be clear that it will ensure all steps are taken to include minority-owned and women-owned businesses in bids for grant-funded projects.
The City works with a consultant to apply for the grants. Nunemaker said the consultant would help the City make sure it remains compliant.
Council did not add to the discussion and no public input was given.