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Simchick, Frost new School Board leaders

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The leadership on the Indian River County School Board has changed following two votes during the Board’s organizational meeting Tuesday evening.

Dale Simchick and Shawn Frost were chosen to serve as Chair and Vice Chair, respectively.

The posts were most recently held by Matt McCain and Charles Searcy, respectively.

Both votes were unanimous but came after alternative nominations were made.

Claudia Jimenez nominated Simchick for Chair, while Frost proffered Searcy.

Because Simchick’s nomination came first, hers was the first to be voted. 

Searcy then nominated Frost for Vice Chair while Frost nominated Searcy for the post. Searcy declined the nomination. 

Upon taking their new seats, School Board Chair Simchick thanked McCain for his service as the chair.

Following the selection of leaders, the Board proceeded to discuss potential changes to their meeting times and location.

Searcy suggested the Board consider meeting once a month, citing other School Boards’ moves to such a schedule. 

Jimenez recommended having School Board meetings travel from school site to school site to help encourage more community involvement.

Neither Board member was able to sway a majority of their counterparts to veer from current practice.

Meetings will continue to be held at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at the School District Administration building – currently at 1990 25th St., Vero Beach. When the administration moves to the new complex, Board meetings will be held there.

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