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Indian River County Crime Blotter: Nov. 12

Felony arrests and booking reports: Nov. 12

• Vincint Dechaine, 54, of 332 King St., Sebastian; Arrest Location: Same; Arresting Agency: Sebastian Police Department; Status: Released on $1,000 Bond; Charges: Felony Aggravated Assault/Domestic Violence.

• Vincent Humphrey, 20, of 560 8th Ln., Vero Beach; Arrest Location: Same; Arresting Agency: Indian River County Sheriff’s Office; Status: Held on $5,000 Bond; Charges: Felony Battery Domestic Violence by Strangulation, Felony False Imprisonment.

• Toranto Thomas, 32, of 4536 30th Ave., Vero Beach; Arrest Location: 4500 Old Dixie Highway, Vero Beach; Arresting Agency: Indian River County Sheriff’s Office; Status: Released on $5,000 Bond; Charges: Felony Flee and Elude, Misdemeanor Drive with Suspended Driver’s License with Knowledge, Felony Possession Cocaine with Intent to Sell, Fail to Leave Information After Crash, Unlawful Possession State Food Stamp Card with Knowledge, Reckless Driving, Misdemeanor Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Misdemeanor Resist Arrest without Violence.

Arrest and booking reports are compiled through information provided by the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office. Note – those listed above may have been arrested on listed charges at an earlier date and booked into the county jail on this date.

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