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Deputy receives Medal of Heroism

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — An Indian River County deputy was awarded the Medal of Heroism from Governor Rick Scott this week for a 2013 incident where he was responsible for saving five individuals from an armed assailant.

On Jan. 21, 2013, Deputy Justin Moskowitz responded to a report of domestic violence in Vero Beach. While interviewing the victim and witness, Deputy Moskowitz saw the suspect returning to the residence on foot with a gun in hand, according to a statement from the Sheriff’s Office.

The suspect did not comply with orders to drop the weapon, and instead raised it to shoot. Deputy Moskowitz was given no other option than to discharge his firearm to protect himself, the witness, the victim, and her mother and two children inside the home.

The suspect was arrested, and a subsequent investigation revealed he was carrying a loaded shotgun, a backpack with multiple rounds of ammunition, and had a history of violence.

Deputy Moskowitz’s quick action saved many lives that night, the Sheriff’s Office reported.

“Deputy Moskowitz, and his fellow law enforcement officers, do not hesitate to put their lives on the line to protect our families and communities. Florida is proud to be home to so many law enforcement heroes like Deputy Moskowitz and I am honored to present him with the Medal of Heroism today,” said Governor Scott when he presented the award.

Indian River County Sheriff Deryl Loar said, “Deputy Moskowitz’s actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of law enforcement and certainly helped prevent a terrible tragedy from occurring that night. I am proud to join Governor Scott in recognizing his bravery with the Medal of Heroism.”

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