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Indian River Neighborhood Association holds candidate luncheon Oct. 22

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The Indian River Neighborhood Association (IRNA) will hold a candidate luncheon at Osceola Bistro at 12 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 22.

The IRNA’s endorsed candidates will be present, both from the City of Sebastian and the City of Vero Beach. Each candidate will speak for a few minutes, letting attendees know where they stand on issues.

There will be an opportunity to ask the candidates questions. In Sebastian, IRNA endorsed Andrea Coy, Richard Gillmor, and Bob McPartlan. In Vero Beach IRNA endorsed Amelia Graves and Dick Winger.

The luncheon will cost $20 and comes with a choice of lunches, soft drinks and dessert.

Osceola Bistro is located at 2045 13th Avenue in Vero Beach.

Please RSVP by emailing

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