INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — An Indian River County man is facing a felony attempted murder charge after a witness reported he stabbed another man several times in the stomach with a 6-inch serrated knife late Wednesday night.
The victim was taken to Lawnwood Hospital in Fort Pierce where he underwent emergency surgery for his injuries. He is expected to survive the attack, according to the police report.
Samuel “Steele Bill” Pickens, 59, of the 4500 block of 41st Ave., now faces charges including felony attempted murder and misdemeanor resist arrest without violence.
A witness told authorities Pickens was drinking with the victim when an argument between the two broke out in the witness’s front yard. Pickens left the yard on foot in the direction of his residence located less than a half mile away, and returned a short time later with a knife.
He announced he was going to “kill” the victim and began swinging the knife, stabbing the victim multiple times, the witness told authorities.
Pickens struggled with authorities when they arrived at his home to arrest him early Thursday morning, according to the report. Pickens told police he was drinking with the man identified as the victim when the two engaged in a verbal argument and the victim pushed Pickens in the chest.
Pickens told investigators that he did not stab the victim, instead he left the scene after the argument and did not return.
When authorities told Pickens a witness saw him stab the victim, Pickens requested a lawyer, according to the arrest report.
He is being held in the Indian River County Jail in lieu of $155,000 bond.