Sebastian Council considers $11.4M budget, no tax increase

SEBASTIAN — The Sebastian City Council got its first look at the City Manager’s recommended $11.4 million budget, which will require no tax increase.

Finance Director Ken Killgore called the budget conservative, and noted it would maintain last year’s millage at 3.8556, balancing the General Fund budget at $11,390,925, up from last year’s $10,912,608.

An increase in property values covers this increase without a tax hike.

The Council, down by one with the absence of Bob McPartlan, voted 4-0 for the millage recommendation, which will be submitted to the county Property Appraiser as a maximum rate. The Council, later in the budget process, could choose to lower it.

The proposal, which the Citizen’s Budget Review Advisory Committee also recommended to Council, includes continued funding for items that prompted Council to increase the millage last year:

  • Indian River Lagoon – $100,000,
  • All Aboard Florida – $50,000, and
  • Road repaving -$100,000
  • Sewer connectivity grants in the amount of $100,000 will again be funded through Community Redevelopment Agency funds.

Items on the City’s plate but not funded for 2015-16 fiscal year include seawall/canal repairs; continuing repair/replacement of drainage quarter round; any increases stemming from City Union negotiations; and insurance provider negotiations.

There is a decrease in overall city staff from 183 to 181, which includes 117 fulltime and 64 part-time positions.

The heftiest departmental budgets continue to be:

  • Police Department – $4,758,021;
  • Stormwater Utility – $1,233,637; and
  • Non-Departmental – $1,074,859, which includes costs not related to a specific department, the largest being payments for general government utilities, general property and casualty liability insurance and payment to the Riverfront Community Redevelopment Agency for tax increment contributions.

Before the budget and millage are officially adopted by Council in September, they will be advertised, and two public hearings will take place.

Budget Review Advisory Committee member Sergio Mota urged citizens to become informed. He noted that all the budget meetings are now on YouTube. The budget proposal is available on the City website.

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