SEBASTIAN — A Sebastian man was arrested Saturday night after a woman reported he was watching her through her bedroom window, according to a police report.
Jay Wismer, 43, of the 1100 block of Schumann Dr., Sebastian, now faces one charge of loitering or prowling.
The woman said she heard noises and observed the silhouette of a person standing outside her window, when she quickly got dressed exited her home to investigate.
She told authorities a “white heavy set male” with a “large black dog” started running when she approached them.
As police searched the area for a suspect, other neighbors told authorities they had “also had issues” with a man matching the suspect’s description “being around their residence,” according to the arrest affidavit.
Police found Wismer at his home nearby on Schumann Drive. He told police he did walk his black lab that evening, and asked what the “possible outcome” would be for confessing to the prowling crime. He then told police he walked up to a residence and looked into the windows before returning back to his own home.
Wismer was released from the Indian River County Jail on $500 bond.