Volunteers and fundraisers were recognized last Thursday at a collective Wrap-Up Appreciation Dinner at the Heritage Center for participants of the three Relay for Life events held this spring in Indian River County. Just under $170,000 has already been raised, with additional monies still coming in, all to benefit the American Cancer Society.
As guests dined on a homemade fried chicken dinner, trophies and awards were presented to the three Relays’ top fundraising individuals and teams. Many of them also had also hosted garage and bake sales, car washes and other community activities to augment funds raised for the event.
Relay for Life of the Beaches, held at Riverside Park and chaired by Alla Kramer, raised more than $72,000. Relay for Life of Indian River, held at the Citrus Bowl and chaired by Curtis Carpenter, brought in $70,300. Relay for Life of North County, held this year at Riverview Park and chaired by Charlotte Carlson Waitner, raised $23,863.
Awards were also presented to each of the three Relays’ most spirited volunteers. Doy Demsick, Indian River County’s Relay for Life Community Manager and team member Anselmo Aponte were honored with Power of Purple Awards for their “extraordinary contribution and leadership and passion to finish the fight.”
“Every survivor has gone to their caregivers to draw from their strength so we want to make sure they are recognized as well,” said Demsick. Purple is given special designation as the color worn by “survivor teams” and their caregivers.
Nationwide, Relay for Life events are the American Cancer Society’s primary fundraisers. Money raised in Indian River supports research, patient services, transportation, medications, programs and other essential support.
Commenting that that many local students participated by holding classroom penny wars, competing to raise the most change, Waitner said, “It’s a great way to get the kids involved. We say change makes change; every dollar makes a difference.”
“The thing that impresses me the most is that almost 90 percent of the money raised was through $5 to $10 and under donations. Some of the sponsor money is pretty big but all the other money is nickels and dimes,” added Carpenter.
“This is one of the top events we support each year,” said Allison Strazzulla of Dale Sorensen Real Estate, one of the sponsor teams which received an award that evening. “We have agents who are cancer survivors and so it brings us all together and makes us feel good that we are doing something for everyone locally as well as all over the nation.”
Alla Kramer said that almost everyone has been touched in some way by cancer.
“My father-in-law was diagnosed with cancer on the same day as I was asked to be a Relay chair. He is cancer-free now but it was a sign I should get involved,” said Kramer. “It is just amazing to see how the community raised almost $170,000. People here are so generous.”