INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Police arrested a woman Monday evening at Target after she allegedly tried to charge almost $1,000 worth of electronics to a fake credit card, according to the police report.
Giovanna Abello, 26, of the 8100 block of Sunrise Lake Boulevard in Sunrise, Fla., now faces charges including fraudulent use of a credit card and possession of a fictitious driver’s license.
A Target employee notified authorities when he suspected Abello’s MasterCard credit card and Columbian driver’s license were falsified. Police confirmed Abello had two forged credit cards and a forged driver’s license in her possession, according to the arrest affidavit.
The electronics she attempted to purchase were valued at $977.86.
Officers say Abello told them she was aware the cards and license were forged. She said she planned on taking an Uber vehicle back to Fort Lauderdale with the illegally purchased electronics, to meet the male who provided her with the cards.
She is being held in the Indian River County Jail in lieu of $11,000 bond.