Indian River Clerk’s employees donate to March of Dimes

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The Indian River County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller’s employees donated $1,236 to the March of Dimes. The Clerk’s employees raised the money through dress down days held on each Friday in February, a bake sale, and by collecting loose change.

Representatives from the Clerk’s Office also walked in the annual March for Babies held at Riverside Park in Vero Beach on Saturday, April 11.

“I am continually blown away by the generosity of the staff at the Clerk’s Office,” said Jeffrey R. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller of Indian River County. “They are to be commended for giving back to the community in so many ways.”

Throughout the year, the Clerk’s employees raise money for charitable donations through dress down days, prize drawings and other fundraisers. Collectively, the employees vote on which organizations will receive their support. One-hundred percent of the donations made in the Clerk’s name are funded by employee contributions.

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