INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Last month, the Board of County Commissioners awarded a countywide franchise to Waste Management for recycling and garbage pickup, and voted in some sweeping changes to go into effect Oct. 1.
Tuesday’s approval of the detailed seven-year contract with Waste Management was the first step to implementing the changes, which include single-stream recycling using rolling carts, and once per week garbage pickup using rolling carts, to encourage recycling and the reduction of waste going into the landfill.
Indian River County is under the same mandate as all of Florida’s counties to achieve a recycling rate equaling at least 75 percent of the waste stream being diverted to recycling by the year 2020. The slogan the Solid Waste Disposal District is using to promote this is “75 in 5,” meaning 75 percent recycling in five years’ time.
The trash pick-up changes affect the whole county except for the City of Sebastian and the Town of Indian River Shores, which have their own contracts, and the City of Vero Beach, which has its own solid waste collection department using city employees.
The City of Fellsmere has opted to piggy-back on the bid Waste Management submitted to the county back in February, and to go with universal trash pickup within the city, out of concerns for the environment and for the reduction of litter and of debris going into canals and other waterways.
Currently, Republic Services has the franchise for the south half of the county and Waste Management has the north half of the county. That arrangement will end on Sept. 30 as the new agreement takes over.
Though the County has preserved some financial incentives to convert to mandatory or “universal” trash pickup sometime in the next two years, the Board decided that was just too huge of a step to take this year. They stuck with optional or “subscription” service, but Waste Management is offering a 10 percent discount for the first three months of trash pickup for new subscribers who sign up before Oct. 1.
Recycling pickup is already paid for by every owner of an improved property through the county’s landfill assessment on property tax bills. Those who wish to participate only need to obtain a recycling container and put it out at the curb on the designated date.
Earlier this month the Board approved a compensation package and vehicle for a new position, an education coordinator to keep the public informed on the new recycling and waste program. Utilities Director Vincent Burke said he plans to have that new person on board in the coming weeks.
Once that person is on board, the County will be launching an advertising and awareness campaign so residents are not taken by surprise by all the changes taking effect on Oct. 1.
For more information, go to the County Solid Waste Disposal District website at www.ircwaste.com.