Pelican Island Audubon Society holds open house April 25

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Pelican Island Audubon Society (PIAS) is holding an open house on Saturday April 25 to introduce its new Audubon House education center at 195 9th St. SE, (Oslo Road), to the public and also celebrate the Audubon chapter’s 50th anniversary.

An opening ceremony begins at 11 a.m. Visitors can learn about PIAS’S bird and other wildlife conservation accomplishments achieved over 50 years of science, education and advocacy, and about the background of Audubon House and its role in conservation/education projects for the future.

Birthday cake will be served and there will be opportunities for guided nature walks on the Oslo Riverfront Conservation Area trails. Walks are at 8 a.m. and 10 am, or visitors can pick up a trail map and take a self-guided stroll. Visit the native plant landscape garden and walk a short trail to see how PIAS volunteers are tackling invasive species.

Participants can also kayak or wade in the shallow waters of the Indian River Lagoon, exploring the fish and seagrasses with Kristen and Mike Beck of A Florida Outdoor Center, or visit the Oslo Boat Ramp to experience the beauty and serenity of the lagoon and learn what individuals can do to help protect it.

For more information about the building, the trails, the native plant garden, or the open house, contact Pelican Island Audubon Society office, (772) 567-3520; Dr. Richard Baker at (772) 388-1572; Graham Cox at, (772) 388-5394.

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