SEBASTIAN — An uncontrolled, rowdy and embarrassing Planning and Zoning meeting last November came back to haunt the Sebastian P&Z Board at the March 11 City Council meeting.
“I’ve held my tongue as long as I could,” said Councilman Jim Hill, who questioned whether the current volunteer board could continue to carry out its duties to the City.
At the Nov. 6 P&Z meeting, an armed-for-bear, full-house crowd, mostly from neighboring Collier Creek, had come to protest a luxury RV park being proposed by well-known local developer Dr. Henry Fischer, Miami real estate CEO Tarek Kirschen, Agent Todd Howder and local broker John King.
Things quickly got out of hand and headed downhill fast, as the protesters ignored Chairman Ed Dodd’s admonitions, cheered their own speakers, made snide remarks during developers’ presentations, and even booed Fischer when he attempted to respond to their concerns.
The Board finally voted to recommend City Council deny the developers’ special use permit request.
An open microphone, after the closing gavel, was the final straw: As the project team rose to leave, Fischer approached Dodd at the dais and mentioned that the developers might now decide to put low-income housing on the property, an option they clearly had.
Dodd was recorded calling Fischer an “a**hole.”
In the ensuing months, the City Manager, staff and Council members had all watched and reviewed the P&Z video with dismay, and agreed with Hill, who said, “I was embarrassed. It was very unprofessional . . . there was harassment from the crowd . . . profanity from the mic.”
“At a minimum, the (P&Z) Chair owes the City and the applicants an apology, and I question whether he should remain,” Hill suggested.
City Attorney Robert Ginsburg told Council he’d had a serious discussion with Dodd, explaining that during a quasi-judicial hearing such as the Nov. 6 P&Z meeting, the “Chair and each member is expected to act like a judge,” making decisions based not on personal opinions but only on the zoning laws.
Ginsburg noted that the task is, indeed, a difficult one. He said he and Dodd had agreed that, when the Luxury RV Park project comes back before the P&Z for Site Plan Approval, “the Chair will recuse himself.”
He stated his observation that, the Nov. 6 debacle notwithstanding, previous P&Z decision-making processes, “were professional, would indicate they have the ability” to perform properly.
Mayor Gillmor said that Dodd has apologized, and agreed an additional, formal letter of apology is appropriate and will be requested.
Councilman Bob McPartlan said the City greatly appreciates the time and work volunteer board members devote to their duties and, “We need to respect that.”
He suggested that the City, henceforth, provide specific training for Board chairs and members to ensure everyone clearly understands the requirements, limitations and procedures.