INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — County Commission Chairman and long-time real estate auctioneer Wesley Davis filed to run for Indian River County Property Appraiser Wednesday morning, with his wife, Tonya, at his side at Supervisor of Elections Leslie Swan’s headquarters.
Davis, 45, a three-term commissioner and former school board member, announced Tuesday at the Board of County Commission meeting that he would not seek re-election to his District 1 seat in 2016, but Davis told reporters present at his news conference Wednesday that he did not feel it was appropriate to use the “bully pulpit” of the public meeting to announce his candidacy for Property Appraiser in 2016.
Davis said he has already spoken to Property Appraiser David Nolte, who has served in that office since being elected in 1980. Davis said Nolte did not indicate whether he intended to run again, or to retire, but that whether or not Nolte runs again has no bearing on how he’ll conduct his campaign.
“I would like to have his endorsement,” Davis said, adding, “He hasn’t said no.”
Regardless, Davis said he has some positive, forward-thinking things he hopes to accomplish if elected. One of those is to enhance the property appraiser’s website, a tool that he uses in his real estate business every day for research.
Davis said he also looks forward to working with Tax Collector Carole Jean Jordan and Clerk of the Court Jeff Smith on ways that the three offices’ technology could be integrated to make it easier for an individual or a business looking to relocate to Indian River County to find the information and the documents they need, whether it be deeds or tax history or property valuation data.
Any innovation that could help the public, he said, could also save taxpayers money. “Whenever you can take advantage of technology, by far the less hands-on labor you’re going to need,” he said.
With regard to his platform, Davis said there’s one biggie that isn’t being adequately addressed at present, the potential impact of high-speed rail on the homes and businesses surrounding the tracks.
“One of the issues is the effect of All Aboard Florida is going to have on property values,” Davis said, adding that his more than two decades of experience in the real estate business would come into play on a complex issue like that.
Davis is known to be an active volunteer and a consistent presence at events and charity fundraisers, either as an auctioneer or an attendee. When asked if the property appraiser job, if he’s elected, would give him a rest from all those many things to go to, he answered that he would keep up the same pace as he has as a commissioner.
“I really enjoy the public interaction. Anyone who is an elected official should be approachable and should be visible in the community,” he said.
Davis said his campaign website will go up soon and he’ll be out and about asking voters for the job of property appraiser, but that he’ll also be giving full-time attention to his responsibilities representing District 1 on the county commission.
“We’re going to be organized and we’re going to win, but more importantly, we’re going to have fun,” Davis said.
The Davis’ youngest daughter, Taylor, a Sebastian River High School senior, was on hand at Swan’s office to support her father, and registered to vote for the first time on Wednesday. Son Wesley Jr. couldn’t be there as he is busy preparing for the 2015 legislative session in his new position as a staffer with Florida House Rep. Colleen Burton of Lakeland, where Davis got involved in politics while a student at Florida Southern College.
From the Supervisor of Elections Office Davis was headed to meet campaign treasurer, local CPA Scott Stradley, at Oculina Bank to set up the campaign account.
Davis said he intends to mount a vigorous campaign, and that Tonya and Taylor will be in charge of all the many social aspects of the countywide effort. Tonya Davis said she and her daughter also listen to all the speeches and offer constructive criticism in-between events to help hone Davis’ message — and sometimes, they joked, his posture, telling him to make sure to stand up straight.
Shortly after Davis announced on Tuesday that he would not be running for re-election, Sebastian City Councilman and former mayor Jim Hill posted a message on his facebook page declaring his intent to run for the District 1 County Commission seat Davis will be vacating in 2016. As of Wednesday morning, Hill had not yet filed paperwork to run.